Impact of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises on Women Empowerment in Nigeria

Publication Date: 02/05/2024

DOI: 10.52589/BJMMS-YUD5Z0I0

Author(s): Ibrahim Musa, Sule Magaji, Abdullahi Idris Ahmad.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


This study examines the impact of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on women's empowerment in Oyo state. A cluster sampling procedure was used to select 283 respondents for this study. Data for this study was sourced using primary sources. The questionnaire was administered to elicit information from the study respondents. Data obtained were measured using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics using binary logistic regression. The results showed that 43.1% of the respondents were between the ages of 41-50years, 48.8% of the respondents had NCE/OND qualification, most (57.6%) of the respondents were divorced, 32.9% of the respondents were engaged in agriculture, most (66.4%) of the respondents were sole proprietorship, 43.8% of the respondents have 10-20year of operation. Furthermore, the majority (77.0%) of the respondents agreed that involvement in SMEs has positively impacted their personal empowerment or financial stability, 98.6% of the respondents believe that government policies and support systems adequately promote women's empowerment through SMEs in Oyo State, most (67.8%) of the respondent thought SMEs enhance financial literacy. Also, the majority (93.6%) of the respondents agreed that involvement in SMEs has empowered them economically and socially.


Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, Women and Income

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