Metaphorical Transfigurations: Symbolism and its Dynamics in Tewfik Al-Hakim’s Fate of a Cockroach.

Publication Date: 01/07/2024

DOI: 10.52589/IJLLL-R6IZCS02

Author(s): Agbeye Oburumu, Sophia Forteta.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


Within the convoluted theatrical universe of Tewfik Al-Fate Hakim's Cockroach, metaphor and symbolism emerge as potent instruments of societal critique and existential investigation. The seemingly mundane setting of a kitchen serves as a springboard for profound philosophical reflection in Al-Hakim's work, which is the focus of this paper's analysis. In order to probe the depths of human consciousness beyond literal interpretation, this study analyses Al-Hakim's use of symbolism and metaphor. A symbol of resiliency and existential battle is the cockroach, a lowly bug, a sign of primordial instincts, while the cat represents innate drives and the relentless course of fate. Also, the kitchen is a microcosm of society's dynamics, reflecting problems of existential misery and structural inequity. This study explores the human condition profoundly and invites readers to embark on a life-changing quest to understand the metaphorical and symbolic implication of the play.


Tewfik Al-Hakim, Symbolism, Existentialism, Metaphor, Societal oppression.

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