Surname as a Family, Ethnic and National Identities: Umunze As A Case Study

Publication Date: 19/11/2020

Author(s): Patricia Eze.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2020)


Surnames are family names which people bear without an iota of regret. Due to civilization, Igbo surnames have started fading away to baptismal or Christians names, if not reversed would spell doom to our nation, Igbos and Umunze people in particular. This study examines the nature of Umunze surnames and their root words. The study explores the use of exotic surnames as a barrier to our nation, ethnic and family identity and their implications. Men from Umunze were interviewed so as to obtain concrete findings. Surnames are answered by people related by blood which act as bond between them. They act as markers of family, ethnic as well as national identity. Therefore, bearing foreign surnames would cause our heritage as a nation to go down the drain.


Surname, Baptismal Name, Family Identity, Umunze, Ethnic Identity, National Identity, Exotic Surnames

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