Depravity in Ifeanyi Ajaegbo’s Sarah House

Publication Date: 21/07/2023


Author(s): Uche Nnyagu (Ph.D), Ugwuafia Abraham Ogbonna, Onunkwo Benedette Ngozi, Ike Peace.

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 2 (2023)


As living conditions in societies get harder on a daily basis with no hope in sight as to the remedies, people in different parts of societies indulge in forms of immoral acts for survival. Young people, against their wishes, are trafficked for the purpose of prostitution and other ignominious reasons. The depravity that societies are thrown into seriously affects their economic and moral development negatively. It is pathetic that mainly, prominent politicians elected into strategic positions abet the immoralities for their selfish reasons. The kingpins of the shady deals see themselves as the owners of the society; hence, they give impetus to their stooges who operate without fear. Concerned creative writers and other artists decry this ugly trend by mirroring the ill activities in their works in a way that the effects on societies are made obvious. This paper thus aims to x-ray the various forms of depravity as mirrored by Ifeanyi Ajaegbo in Sarah House, expose those involved in the nefarious acts and, as well, explore the consequent effects on societies.


Marxism, Prostitution, Depravity, Society, Literature

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