Development of an Empirical Model Relating Palm Nut Moisture Content, Shell Thickness and Soaking Time

Publication Date: 23/04/2019

Author(s): Orua Antia, Ubong Assian, William Olosunde.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 1 (2019)


This paper attempts to offer the use of shell thickness and soaking time to obtain any desired moisture content of dried palm nuts soaked in water at room temperature. In this study nuts were categorized into three size ranges based on its minor axis dimension (d_1) and then dried to dry bone mass. The nuts for each experimental run were subjected to soaking per size range per vessel containing water. The experimental data were obtained at 3 –hourly intervals for parameters (nut axial dimension, thickness and mass) considered. Moisture content was computed and statistical analysis carried out. Result revealed that dried palm nut shell thickness and soaking time, apart from any other possible parameter(s) influence water absorption by the nuts vis-à-vis moisture content. The empirical equation developed was tested, validated and found to be useful in estimating soaking time for dried palm nut to attain any desired moisture content.

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