Exploring the Potential of Weld Slag as Aggregate Replacement in Concrete for Sustainable Construction: A Review Paper.

Publication Date: 09/08/2024


Author(s): Muhammad Auwal Ibrahim, Shashivendra Dulawat, Esar Ahmad (Ph.D.), Ibrahim Abdullahi Ibrahim, Umar Shehu Ibrahim, Salihu Sarki Ubayi, Idris Zakariyya Ishaq.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


Concrete is the most globally used material in the construction industry, with over ten billion tons produced annually, and its aggregates making 70 to 80% of its quantity. The aggregates production leads the natural sources of these aggregates to deplete in a high rate and with a significant carbon footprint. Consequently, industries are generating waste output in a large quantity which is posing problems to the environment and leading to economic challenges. This review explores the potential of using industrial waste such as weld slags, steel slags, and glass powder as substitutes to traditional concrete aggregates. The integration of these wastes solves the problems of waste disposal, resource depletion and environmental pollution. The review is to also to encourage the reuse, recycling and reduction of waste production to reduce pollution. This practice will help ensure resource conservation, environmental protection and enhanced sustainability. Furthermore it underscores the importance of further research on the durability and practical applications of concrete containing industrial slags such as steel slags, weld slags, glass powder etc. to establish effective and sustainable construction practices.

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