Fly Ash-Lime Lateritic Compressed Stabilized Earth Bricks for Low Cost Housing.

Publication Date: 09/08/2024


Author(s): Daniel Yunusa , Abba-Gana Mohammed , O.B.E Salau.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


This study assessed the mechanical and durability properties of compressed stabilized earth bricks (CSEB) made from laterite soil, stabilized with various proportions of fly ash and lime (4% to 12%). Tests conducted on the soil sample and Fly ash used for the research, proved that the soil is True Laterite (S-S=1.0370%). A total of 165 CSEB samples were produced and the research identified various properties as a result of changing the proportion of the stabilizers. The findings of the study revealed compressive strength of CSEB 8 (5% fly ash,5% lime) at 28th days and CSEB 11 (6% fly ash,6% lime) at 14th ,28th days as 1.72 N/mm2 ,1.69N/mm2 and 2.02 N/mm2 respectively, met the requirement for construction material in rural houses, bungalow and low rise buildings. The mean bulk density values ranged from 1727.35 to 1865.35 kg/m3. for all curing age. From water absorption test results, all values obtained fell below the maximum recommendation except for CSEB 1 (2% fly ash,2% lime) and CSEB 2 (4% fly ash,2% lime) as specified by NIS 87 (2004) and NBRRI (2008).


Compressed Stabilized Earth Bricks, compressive strength, construction, water absorption, abrasion.

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