Modelling of Cyclic Shear Modulus and Factor of Safety in Clay Soil

Publication Date: 29/01/2024

DOI: 10.52589/IJMCE-4QKHY8JF

Author(s): Mohammed Ganiyu Oluwaseun, Charles Kennedy.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


The liquefaction potential of Niger Delta soil was studied through formulated models based on cyclic shear modulus and factor of safety (FS). Data from the experiment were fitted into models to predict the cyclic shear modulus and Factor of Safety. The test analysis shows effective prediction of cyclic shear modulus for a given number of cycles (1–40) and cyclic shear strain (0.01–5 %). Comparison of results shows no significant differences between the measured and predicted cyclic shear modulus, especially from 0.1% shear strain and above. Similarly, the values of factor of safety predicted by the model were very close to those obtained from the experiment; the predicted FS obtained at depths close to 30 m across the sites were slightly greater than 1.0, as against the observed results. Despite this slight variation, the FS model still shows a high degree of prediction. Therefore, the formulated models can be utilised in the study of liquefaction potential, especially in the Niger Delta region.


Liquefaction, Soil, Factor of Safety, Earthquake.

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