Instructional Challenges Encountered by Clinical Instructors at a Medical Center and Hospital in Libya: Basis for a Policy Standard on Clinical Aspects of Nursing Practice

Publication Date: 09/02/2021

Author(s): Cecilia C. Yaun (RN PhD).

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2021)


Academic nursing activities ranging from formal instruction to practical application of theories and concepts in clinical internship is critical. It requires nursing faculty competency and expertise in the use of the different instructional methodologies, approaches and their clinical performance and competencies in nursing practice. Using validated survey questionnaires, nursing practitioners and clinical instructors assessed knowledge and skills competencies exhibited by the nursing students as very good and good performance. Significant difference exists in their assessments. Priority nursing skills identified were mostly in the areas of safe and quality nursing care, health education, and quality development requirements. Very strong agreement on self-directed learning and evidenced-based strategies are needed to enhance the nursing skills of the students. The Proposed Policy Standard on Clinical Instructional Strategies Model for Nursing Practice can serve as policy guidelines of the institutions and hospitals on achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of quality nursing practice.


Instructional Challenges, Policy, Standards of Nursing Practice, Competency

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