An Analysis of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Algebraic Problem Solving Ability of Secondary School Students in Sokoto, Nigeria

Publication Date: 13/09/2023


Author(s): Elizabeth Julius (Ph.D).

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 3 (2023)


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the algebraic problem-solving ability of secondary school students in Sokoto state, Nigeria. 100 respondents were used as the sample for the survey at two secondary schools in Sokoto, Nigeria. The targeted respondents were the senior secondary two (SSII) students. The findings of the study showed that there is a moderate relationship between the emotional intelligence of the students and their algebraic problem-solving ability. It was also discovered that male students have a low relationship in their emotional intelligence and algebraic problem-solving ability compared to female students whose emotional intelligence and algebraic problem-solving ability were found to be moderate.


Emotional intelligence, Algebraic problem solving, Secondary schools.

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