Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factors of Some Fish and Crab Species from Badagry Creek, Lagos, Nigeria

Publication Date: 02/10/2020

Author(s): Aderinola O.J., Adeboyejo O.A., Mekuleyi G.O..

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 3 (2020)


This study was carried out in Badagry creek, Lagos, Nigeria, between January and December 2018, to assess the health status of some species of fish (Kribia nana, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Eleotris vitata, Cynoglossus senegalensis, Kribia kribensis, Chrysichthys filamentosus, Tillapia zilli, Monolene mertensi, Sardinella maderensis, and Pellonula leonesis) and Crab (Nematocarcinus africanus, Solenocera africana, Callinectes pallidus, and Pegusa lascaris) using their Length-Weight Relationship (LWR) and Condition Factor (K). Length and weight of four hundred and fifty-four (454) fishes and crabs belonging to nine (9) families, 13 (thirteen) genera and 14 (fourteen) species were measured in standard units. The results obtained showed that the growth pattern of the species was negative allometric. Sardinella maderensis and Monolene mertensi had the lowest and highest b value of -0.62 and 0.94 respectively. The least Intercept (a) value of 1.29 was recorded for M. mertensi while highest (a) value (12.83) was recorded in Sarotherodon galilaeus. The peak correlation value (R2) (0.75) of the length-weight relationship was obtained in M. mertensi and the least (0.00) in Tilapia zilli. The condition factor (K) ranged between 0.81 and 2.30 with Pellonula leonesis and Kribia kribensis having the lowest and highest k factors respectively. 57% of the specimens had their k factor greater than 1 and this indicated that majority of the fishes and crab’s species were thriving well in the water body. The results of the present study could serve as baseline data for these species and for comparisons with future studies.

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