Calorific Value and Consumers’ Subjective Knowledge of Complementary Puddings from two Cocoyam Varieties Blended with Ripe Plantain and Sprouted Soybean Pastes

Publication Date: 07/12/2018

Author(s): Okwunodulu I. N., Uluocha D. M., Okwunodulu F.U, Ukom A. N..

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2018)


The authors studied the dietary energy levels and consumers’ acceptability of puddings from Xanthosoma sagittifolium (ede-ocha) and Colocasia esculenta (ede-cocoindia). Dietary energy was calculated using Atwater General Factor System (AGFS) and Atwater Specific Factor System (ASFS). Wet paste of each cocoyam variety was blended separately with ripe plantain and sprouted soy bean pastes into four different blends in the ratio of 100, 90:10, 25: 65:10 and 45:45:10 respectively. Puddings from 100% cocoyam served as the control for each variety. The blends were mixed with equal quantities of seasonings, wrapped in plantain leave and boiled for 30 minutes separately. The puddings were evaluated using standard analytical procedures. The ede-ocha puddings had crude protein (3.35% to 4.51%), fat (1.94% to 2.46%), fiber (0.94% to 1.84%) and carbohydrate (34.34% to 35.46%).The ede-cocoindia puddings had protein (3.22% to 4.29%), fiber (1.21% to 1.49%), fat (1.64% to 2.11%) and carbohydrate (37.86% to 39.28%).The dietary energy levels of all the ede-cocoindia pudding samples were higher than their counterparts from ede-ocha in both methods of energy calculations used. The ede-ocha puddings were preferred to ede-cocoindia.

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