A Comparative Study on the Selected Environmental Parameters Within the Cage, Pond and the Wild of Winam Gulf of L. Victoria

Publication Date: 17/03/2022


Author(s): Steve Omari Ngodhe, Emmy Kerich, Okeyo Owuor, Paul Mutai.

Volume/Issue: Volume 5 , Issue 1 (2022)


The main aim of this study was to compare the environmental variables between water inside the caged fish, open ponds and open waters of Winam Gulf. Selected water quality parameters from the 20 ponds, 30 cages and wild were measured in-situ using electronic meters. Water temperature, DO, pH and salinity did not differ significantly in the different study areas (p>0.05) while Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) registered a significant difference between the culture systems (pond and cage) and the wild (p<0.05). This was attributed to the fact that the study areas were all within the same geographical space and there was lack of variation in micro-climatic conditions during the study period, while the differences in TDS could be as a result of over fertilization of ponds, leading to algal bloom. The environmental variables were within the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations recommended limits for fish production.


Environmental parameters, cage, pond wild, Winam Gulf, L. Victoria.

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