Cooking Methods Revealed Differences in Quality Content of Prepared Soyabean Extended Chicken Nuggets

Publication Date: 23/08/2022


Author(s): Opeyemi Adepeju Abiala, Moses Akindele Abiala, Andrew Babatunde Omojola.

Volume/Issue: Volume 5 , Issue 3 (2022)


Soyabean extended chicken nuggets (SECN) were prepared, separately fried, grilled and roasted. The cooked nuggets were formulated as diets and fed to weaning rats (n=50) using standard casein and nitrogen free diets as controls. Quality attributes were assessed based on physico-chemical, sensory properties, proximate compositions, amino acids, total cholesterol and shelf stability in terms of lipid oxidation and microbial load as well as the effect of the feed on growth performance of weaned albino rats. Apart from slight variation (P<0.05), fried SECN, followed by grilled SECN improved yield, flavour, overall acceptability, crude protein and amino acid content in comparison to roasted SECN. The reduced lipid oxidation, total cholesterol and microbial load further enhanced the quality of fried SECN. Similarly, fried SECN was considered as the best based on daily feed intake, weight gained, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biological value. Thus, among the different cooking methods, deep-frying enhanced the quality of SECN better than other cooking methods as reflected in growth performance of weaned albino rats. Therefore, to harness acceptability of chicken nuggets, soyabean protein extender which is known for its ability to improve product firmness, chewiness and emulsion stability could be used alongside appropriate cooking methods to prepare chicken nuggets with excellent structural and nutritional qualities readily acceptable by consumers.


chicken nuggets, soyabean, cooking methods, product yield and biological value

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