Factors Influencing Adoption of Faro 58 Rice Package (NERICA 7) by Small Holder Farmers of Katsina State, Nigeria.

Publication Date: 28/05/2024

DOI: 10.52589/AJAFS-FZAFH39Y

Author(s): Ibrahim Sani Ibrahim, Ango Adamu Kamba (Ph.D.), Bello Faruq Umar (Prof.).

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


This study investigates the multifaceted factors that enhance the adoption of the FARO 58 rice package, specifically focusing on the NERICA 7 variety, among smallholder farmers in Katsina State, Nigeria. The FARO 58 rice package, known for its adaptability to diverse agro-ecological zones and improved yield potential, serves as a crucial element in enhancing food security and livelihoods within the region. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to arrive at a sample size of 220 respondents based on a sample frame of 2,630 farmers. Data obtained for the study were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of the study indicated that the average proportion of the respondents fall within the medium adoption category (0.34-0.66), 42.3% fall within the high adoption category (0.67-1.0), while only a small fraction of the respondents (6.4%) fall within the low adoption category. This could enable smallholder rice farmers to take advantage of access to agricultural information and technology adoption. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that farmers’ socio-economic factors had a significant influence on their adoption of the FARO 58 rice production package in the study area.


Adoption of FARO 58, Rice package, Smallholder farmer, NERICA.

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