Evaluation of the Aerial Deposits of Heavy Metals in Fruits Sold by the Roadside within Enugu Metropolis.

Publication Date: 08/08/2024


Author(s): Okeke Onyeka R., Aniobi C. C., Ezeagwu P. C., Nwanya K. O., Agbom C..

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


Studies were carried out to evaluate the aerial deposits of heavy metals in fruits sold by the road sides within Enugu metropolis , using standard analytical procedures and instrumentation. At 0 , 1 and 7 days of road side exposure, the cucumber samples had mean Pb levels of 0.211±0.032, 0.224±0.011 and 0.247±0.050 µg/g respectively. Also , at 0 , 1 and 7 days of road side exposure , the cucumber samples had mean Cu levels of 1.075±0.134 , 1.079±0.130 and 1.086±0.145 µg/g respectively. Similarly, the mean Pb levels in the apple samples at 0 , 1 and 7 days of road side exposure were 0.282±0.014 , 0.283±0.010 and 0.296±0.015 µg/g respectively. Copper had mean levels of 0.864±0.136 , 0.864±0.096 and 0.868±0.055 µg/g in the apple samples at 0 , 1 and 7 days respective road side exposure. For the two samples , the mean levels of the metals at the investigated road side exposure durations were less significant. The metals were at their threshold limits in the fruit samples at the investigated durations of exposure.


Apple, Cucumber , Vehicular activities ,Heavy metals and Roadside exposure duration.

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