The Liver Functions of Wistar Rats: The Effects of Selected Spices.

Publication Date: 05/09/2024


Author(s): Okechukwu-Ezike Ngozika C..

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


The effects of selected spices (Aframomum danielli, rough skin plum, and country onion) on the liver functions of Wistar rats fed with feed substituted with 5%, 10%, and 15% of the individual spices were evaluated. Consequently, the total protein content and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) decreased from 62.69% (control sample) to 55.19% and 56.49mg/dl to 55.83mg/100g, respectively, during the 4-week feeding period. The serum bilirubin and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) decreased in rats fed with the 5% concentration of A. danelli, increased at 10%, 15% of A. danielli, and all concentrations of the other spices. By the end of the 28 days, all the results were: Albumin- 36.33 to 37.72%, total protein – 55.19 to 56.70%; ALP- 55.90 to56.47; bilirubin- 13.08 to 13.63; AST -26.47 to 29.00U/Land ALT- 29.25 to 33.73U/L. These values were within the standard acceptable levels in the blood, indicating the positive effects of these spices on liver functions. keywords: spices, liver function, Wistar rats


Spices, Liver function, Wistar rats.

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