Estimation Of Biogas Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) in Real Oil Mills Palm Plantation, Odukpani L.G.A., Nigeria

Publication Date: 24/09/2018

Author(s): Eni D. Imoke, Muma C. Bili.

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2018)


This study evaluated extractable biogas from anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill effluent (POME). This study made use of a laboratory experiment involving a simple batch experimental setup employing the volumetric displacement principle for quantifying the amount of biogas produced from organic waste using a bio-digester and a gasometric chamber. Biogas was extracted anaerobically using locally manufactured bio-digesters and a comparison in production rates was made between the control and catalysed experimental setups. The catalysed substrate produced more biogas (19,402.5ml, equivalent to 0.0194025m3) than the controlled (27.00ml, equivalent to 0.000027m3). Biogas production was highest on the 70th day of the experiment (5,000ml, equivalent to 0.005m3). The result revealed that it is possible for biogas to be generated without methane or with just very low methane content. Burning of biogas tells whether or not it contains methane whereas the intensity and colour of the flame could serve as good indicator of the methane concentration in biogas. The result of this study also led to the conclusion that biogas production during anaerobic digestion gradually builds up with time and then starts dropping with depleting nutrient content of the feedstock. From the findings of this study, it is recommended that; more research on other microbial manipulations of the substrate should be done with the aim of improving on the amount of biogas that can be obtained from POME; also, other catalysts should be used to increase the volume of biogas generated within a shorter period of time

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