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Silas Esther A., Udeh Nkiruka P., Iheanacho Peace N., Obionwu Ogochukwu T..
Page No : 1-10
Home Management of Childhood Febrile Convulsions among Women in Child-Bearing Age in Obiagu, Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Febrile convulsion or seizure is a common emergency in pediatrics which triggers anxiety in parents due to associated morbidities and mortality. This study assessed the home management of childhood febrile convulsion in Obiagu, Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among women of child bearing age in Obiagu, Enugu north L.G.A. Enugu North Local government of Enugu State, Nigeria. The population of this study consist of 1850 women but 328 is a convenient sample employed in the study. A structured questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.83 was used in gathering the necessary data for the study which were analyzed with SPSS version 17.0. It was discovered that all the respondents (320) are aware of febrile convulsion. 265 (82.81%) of the women understand febrile convulsion to be high temperature associated with jerking of the child. Also, high temperature was perceived by 269(84.06%) of the women to be the cause while 140(43.75%) believe that it is caused by evil forces or demonic. 226 (70.63%) of the women applied palm kernel oil on their child’s body during convulsion, 124 (38.7%) used herbal concoction and 105 (32.81%) put substances like palm oil or kerosene in the eye of their convulsing children. The reasons for these actions are mainly because they do not want their children to die. Others include: not being aware of better methods and that the materials used were readily available. The women in Obiagu are aware of febrile convulsion and their perception of its cause is fair but they lack knowledge of appropriate actions to take during febrile convulsion.
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Okorie Charity Ebelechukwu, Jinan Gommam Bongcir, Ochigbo Josephine Elanma.
Page No : 11-30
Mathematical Modelling of the Impacts of Morning Fatigue on Academic Performance: A Case Study of Federal University Wukari, Taraba State.
Several authors have researched the phenomenon of sleep deprivation among students. In their studies, we discovered that they did not consider morning fatigue. So, we decided to fill the gap in the literature by using mathematical models to study the impact of morning fatigue. The aim is to develop mathematical modeling for the impact of morning fatigues on the academic performances of the students, a case study of the Federal University Wukari in Taraba State. In this project work, we formulated a mathematical model based on a system of ordinary differential equations to study the impact of morning fatigue on academic performance. We tested the model for existence and uniqueness and discovered that the model exists and that it is unique. Basic reproduction number was computed using the next generation matrix approach. Questionnaires were distributed to 400 students and the data for this research were collected from the responses of the students. The result of the basic reproduction number shows that morning fatigue can be controlled. Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion for local stability, the fatigue free equilibrium (FFE) states of the model were established and proved to be locally asymptotically stable. Sensitivity analysis was then carried out to determine which parameters that should be targeted by control intervention strategies of which the result shows that an increase in the acceptance of the control measure rate lead to a reduction in the prevalence of the fatigue. Finally, numerical simulation of the model was carried out and the result shows that Morning fatigue has great impact in academic performance of students. This means that there is need for students to avoid reading till day break which in turn brings morning fatigue.
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Deborah F. Onisile, Olanipekun Precious, Akintayo N. David, Okafor C. Anita.
Page No : 31-40
Perceived Work-Related Stress and Coping Strategies among Clinical Nurses in University of Osun State Teaching Hospital.
Aim: To examine primary stressors, coping strategies, and techniques used by nurses working in the Uniosun Teaching Hospital in Osogbo, Osun State.
Methods: Cross-sectional survey
Place and Duration of study: The University of Osun Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, South-western, Nigeria between November 2022 to January 2023.
Methodology: A self-structured questionnaire with contents derived from the Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) was used as the instrument. 187 (21 men, 166 females; age ranged 18-60 years) qualified registered nurses were included in this study.
Results: Majority of the respondents were 21-30 years old (44.9%), while more than a quarter (26.7%) had worked between 21 to 30 years. Workload was the main cause of stress among the overwhelming majority of respondents, with response a rate of 72.2 % and a mean score of 17.35 while 88.8% reported relaxation as their coping mechanism. There was a significant difference between cause of stress and frequency of P = 0.000* while we found no significant difference between the causes of stress and the coping strategies adopted with P = 0.587
Conclusion: The study concludes that nurses' workload due to inadequate staffing is the primary cause of stress, and it recommends recruiting more nurses into the clinical field to help reduce this burden.
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Bewaji Damilola Olalere , Bamigboye Theresa Olaitan, Bewaji Kemi Tolulope, Basil PerfectGodsgift Nnamdi, Olulope Adeola Olubunmi, Akpor Oluwaseyi Abiodun (Prof.).
Page No : 41-58
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among Male Local Government Workers in Ekiti State.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) against men is a global prevalent issue. It is the abuse that transpires within or outside a romantic relationship. It affects men and women equally but the cases of men are under reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of intimate partner violence among male local government workers in Ekiti State.
Method: The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive research design using a quantitative method approach of data collection. Multistage sampling technique was used to select two hundred and eighteen (218) respondents from six local government areas in Ekiti State. Data were collected with the aid of adapted questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis.
Results: Result showed that the average age of the respondents was approximately 43years with 67.9% being within 36-51years old and 79.4% were married with average length of 13years in relationship. The overall prevalence of IPV was 94.5% with psychological violence being the most prevalent, (89.0%), followed by psychological violence (78.9%), then by sexual (39.9) and physical (19.3%).
Conclusion: IPV against men is prevalent and it is mostly psychological. The fact that physical assault is minimal doesn't mean that men are undergoing IPV. Hence nurses and other health workers should screen men who present with psychological symptoms for necessary help.
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Dauda Rifkatu Samaila, Ndikom Chizoma Millicent (Ph.D.), Galaboyi Japhet Y., Miriam-Hilda Okpaleke, Okedo Henrietta A. (PhD), Maymunat Abdulhameed Abubakar.
Page No : 59-72
Knowledge and Attitude Towards Utilisation of Partograph among Midwives in Selected Hospitals in Gombe State, Nigeria.
Poor knowledge and attitude towards partograph use are the causes of non-usage of the partograph to monitor women in labour, associating it with 13% of maternal death. The researcher is concerned about what could be responsible for these deaths despite knowing that the use of partograph for monitoring of labour could prevent such deaths. Yet, this tool is not being well utilized for early identification of complications during labour. Thus, the study assessed the knowledge and attitude of Midwives towards the utilization of partograph in selected secondary health facilities in Gombe State. A cross-sectional descriptive study design was adopted and 63 particpants were selected three (3) hospitals purposive sample technique. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The collected data were analysed with the aid of the statistical package for social sciences 24. Descriptive Data were presented as frequency table and percentages. Inferential statistics such as Pearson’s correlation was used to test the relationship between knowledge and utilization of partograph, while chi square test was used to test the hypotheses in this study. Results revealed mean age of respondents was 37.2±7.6years, 77.8% were married. Majority, 96.8% had good knowledge and 70.6% had positive attitude towards the use of partograph. Utilization of partograph was good among 44.4% of respondents. Above half, 57.1% of respondentshad never attended any workshop on partograph post-graduation.There was no significant association between knowledge and utilization of partograph (x2=0.026, p=0.103). Factors such as shortage of manpower, poor management support and time constrains were found to negatively influence the utilization of partograph. Routine use of partograph is poorly carried out in the study centers. It is recommended that the government should organize a hand-on training of the use of partograph periodically and audit system should be put in place to ensure the effective use of the partograph in government hospitals.
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Boladale Agboola, Adewoyin Osonuga, Akachi Ikechi.
Page No : 73-93
Knowledge, Prevalence and Determinants of the Use of Skin-Lightening Creams among University Undergraduates in Babcock University.
The quest for lighter skin has become a dangerous obsession fueled by societal beauty standards and cultural norms. The purpose of this study was to analyze the inspiration prompting the use of these products among undergraduate students using descriptive research surveys. This study examined the knowledge, prevalence and determinant of the use of skin lightening creams among three hundred and thirty (330) undergraduates of Babcock University, Ilishan-remo. through a simple random sampling technique using self-structured questionnaires. Data was collected with the use of SPSS and frequency count. Pearson correlation was used to draw conclusions on the hypothesized statement of study.
The researcher found a significant relationship between knowledge of skin lightening creams and its determinant of use, with over half of respondents (56.37%) agreeing that lightening creams could cause kidney failure. Treatment of hyperpigmentation was the motivating factor among 57.58% of respondents. There is therefore a need for undergraduate students to be provided with adequate education regarding the dangers of skin lightening creams and be encouraged to visit appropriate health facilities for skin disorders instead of self-meditating.
Keywords: Prevalence, Determinants, skin lightening cream
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Bello Deborah Ayobanjo, Adelere E. Adeniran, Folorunso-Ako Oladimeji, Nwanya Emmanuel, Ogunbadejo Jekayinoluwa, Onyeike Nelson O..
Page No : 94-110
The Interaction of Health Education on Knowledge of Signs, Causes, Complications of Neonatal Jaundice and its Management among Pregnant Women.
Background: Previous studies in Nigeria reveal a significant knowledge gap about neonatal jaundice (NNJ) among pregnant women, despite improvements in antenatal care (Adeleye et al., 2020; Adediran et al., 2021). Targeted health education is crucial for enhancing awareness and improving early detection and management of NNJ. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the interaction of health education in enhancing the knowledge of pregnant women in Kwara State, Nigeria, regarding the signs, causes, complications, and management of neonatal jaundice.
Methodology: This study utilized a quasi-experimental design to investigate the causal relationship between health education and knowledge of neonatal jaundice (NNJ) management among pregnant women in Ilorin, Kwara State. The population included pregnant women in their third trimester attending antenatal clinics, with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total sample of 128 participants was divided into intervention and control groups. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, ensuring reliability through test-retest methods. Analysis employed SPSS, using descriptive and inferential statistics, with significance set at p<0.05, providing valuable insights into maternal health practices.
Results: The analysis indicated no statistically significant difference in baseline knowledge mean scores between the two groups (t(126) = 0.864, p = 0.39). However, following the intervention, the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher knowledge scores compared to the control group (t(126) = 9.05; p = 0.0001). Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between mothers' management of neonatal jaundice (NNJ) and knowledge of its causes (r = -0.393; p = 0.001), but no significant correlations with knowledge of signs (r = -0.131; p = 0.302) or complications (r = -0.190; p = 0.133) of NNJ post-intervention. At the pre-intervention phase, the standardized coefficient (R) for knowledge on neonatal jaundice (NNJ) management was 0.077 (p = 0.545), indicating a weak relationship. The R-square value of 0.006 (0.6%) suggested minimal impact on management. Post-intervention, R increased to 0.290 (p = 0.02), with an R-square of 0.084 (8.4%), showing that increased knowledge significantly improved NNJ management.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the study shows that educational interventions significantly increased neonatal jaundice knowledge among the intervention group. Maternal knowledge positively influences NNJ management, highlighting the need for ongoing health education and public awareness campaigns to improve neonatal health outcomes in Kwara State, Nigeria.
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Ishar Cornelius Orjighjigh, Ikeh Mulumba Ifeanyi, Maduakor C. C., Yongo Dorcas Doom, Okeke Obiageli Anthonia, Ukanwa C. C., Okeke Chioma Janefrances, Nwankwo Samuel Ikwunne.
Page No : 111-118
Prevalence of Malaria Infection among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi.
Malaria is a major health problem affecting people in the tropics and sub-tropical regions of the world. This cross-sectional hospital-based study was carried out to determine the prevalence of malaria infection among pregnant women attending a tertiary hospital in Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. A total of 100 venous blood samples were collected from pregnant women into EDTA tubes and examined using field stained thick and thin films for identification of malaria parasites. Demographic information such as age, trimester and insecticide treated nets usage was obtained using a structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 22. Chi-square test was used to determine the difference among the variables studied and P≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Out of the 100 blood samples examined, 27 were infected and had an overall prevalence of 27%. Women within the age bracket of 31-35 years had the highest prevalence rate 11(36.7%) while no infection was recorded in the 41-45 years age group 0(0.0%). Pregnant women in their first trimester had the highest infection prevalence of 13(35.1%) while those in their third trimester had the least prevalence 5(17.9%). In relation to ITNs usage, pregnant women who don’t normally sleep under ITNs had the highest infection prevalence 23(31.5%) while those that usually sleep under ITNS had the least prevalence rate 4(14.8%). It is pertinent to periodically check the malaria infection status of pregnant women attending antenatal services. Prophylactic treatment should be routinely administered to avoid pregnancy complications due to malaria infection.
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Omoniyi Sunday Oluwafemi, Aliyu Danjuma, Sulaimon Adenike Halimot, Basil PerfectGift Nnamdi, Yakubu Monsurat Oyenjke, Bamidele Feyisola Iyabo, Olarinde Oluwatosin Comfort, Aleke Jeremiah Augustine.
Page No : 119-133
Factors Militating the Effective Utilization of the Nursing Process in Patient Care: A Descriptive Survey of Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in North West, Nigeria.
Nursing process is the systematic, patient-centered approach used by nurses to guides individualized nursing care; thereby enhance quality of patient care and outcomes for both the patient and family members, as an organized framework for the practice of nursing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors militating against effective utilization of nursing process in patient's care among nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in north-west, Nigeria. The research design employed in the study was across sectional survey, sample size of 108 but 97 valid for data analysis. The nurses who were proportionately selected participated in the study. The data were derived from the administration of copies of questionnaire. The instrument was validated by the researcher’s supervisor and two other experts from faculty of nursing LadokeAkintola University of technology. A Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.82 is indicative of the reliability of the instrument. Data collected wereanalysed using SPSS version 20 version. hypothesis was tested using Chi square set at p value 0.05. The findings revealed that greater number (92%) understood that nursing process is a problem solving technique for nurses and (80, 83%) utilizes nursing process in patients care. Majority of participants 63.9% (Mean = 1.71) established that shortage of human resources, 59.8% (Mean = 1.86) lack motivation and 53.6% (Mean = 1.53) different approaches adopted by nurses were seen to impact the use negatively. Experience, and educational Level were statistically found to be significant determinants for nursing process utilization (p=0.00, and 0.02). Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there exist a significant relationship between nurses years of experience and knowledge of nursing process utilization and the rate of utilization. Recommendation that adequate and relevant materials be provided for nurses in order to achieve and perform their respective tasks at the optimal best, the management should equally employed more nurses to breech the chronic shortage of man power.
Keyword:Nursing Process, Patient Care, Effective-Utilization, Nurses
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Akinniyi Adedolapo Justinah.
Page No : 134-146
The Intersection of Demographics and Immunization Beliefs among Nursing Mothers.
Background: This research aims to elucidate the influence of demographic factors on nursing mothers' beliefs regarding childhood immunization in Ondo State, Nigeria. By identifying key variables, the study seeks to inform public health strategies that could enhance vaccination rates and improve child health outcomes.
Methodology: A cross-sectional survey design was employed, utilizing a structured questionnaire to collect data from 400 mothers attending post-natal clinics in selected health facilities across Ondo East and West Local Government Areas (LGAs). The sample size was determined using Cochran’s formula, ensuring a representative sample. Multistage sampling techniques were applied, with health facilities grouped into clusters for systematic random sampling. The questionnaire, validated for face and content, consisted of four sections addressing study variables. Pre-testing was conducted with a Cronbach alpha reliability score of 0.69 for beliefs respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0, employing descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Among respondents aged 21-30 years, 36.3% exhibited positive beliefs about immunization, though no significant correlation with age was found (r=0.103; p>0.05). Conversely, education significantly influenced beliefs; 23.9% of those with tertiary education demonstrated higher positive beliefs (r=0.163; p0.05). A significant portion of nursing mothers expressed skepticism regarding vaccination safety, with 41.7% strongly disagreeing that vaccines cause more harm than diseases they prevent.
Conclusion: The findings underscore the urgent need to address nursing mothers' beliefs about childhood immunization in Ondo State. Education emerged as a critical factor influencing acceptance, while age and religion were less significant. Targeted educational interventions are essential to combat misconceptions about vaccine safety and efficacy, leveraging insights from the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action to enhance health literacy and vaccination coverage in the region.
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Nnamdi PerfectGodsgift Basil, Bello Cecelia Bukola, Bewaji Damilola Olalere, Basil Blessing Ikwuta, Bewaji Kemi Tolulope, Nenge Ibrahim, Bamigboye Theresa Olaitan, Ajayi Kayode.
Page No : 147-160
Assessment of the Dietary Pattern of Mothers on the Nutritional Status of their Under Five Children in Ilorin Metropolis.
Malnutrition is a considerable contributor to child mortality and morbidity. Child malnutrition which is determined by dietary practice of mothers of under five children. The poor child dietary practices of mothers shows a correlation with child malnutrition in Nigeria is persistent, continuing to be an alarming burden. The dietary practice of kids under the age of five years is a critical indicator of nutritional outcomes of under five children and health status. An understanding of the influencers of the dietary practice of children can act as a catalyst in combatting all forms of malnutrition. The purpose of this paper was to review selected studies concerning the dietary practices influence on the nutritional status of children in Ilorin Metropolis. Studies were selected from electronic databases, which were PubMed, Google Scholar, Sci- space, Consensus. The keywords that were used to search studies and articles from the selected database were: risk factors, , dietary practices,child nutritional status, children under the age of five years, Nigeria, malnutrition, underweight, stunted, wasting, and over-nutrition. Findings from this study reported that the child dietary practices by mothers has a significant influencing on the body max index of respondent with outcome showing association between dietary practices and undernutrition more,followed by overweight and normal children with the least associated were thin and obsessed respondent reported on the nutritional status of children under the age of five years.. The results show that the dietary practice of children is affected by mothers age at first birth. Therefore mothers age at first birth can significantly contribute to formulating policies on right dietary prayer that can enhance nutrition security especially young mothers between 18 and 25years old. Moreover, mothers age at first birth brings insights into strategic interventions to enhance dietary practices that eradicate all forms of malnutrition associated with under nutrition of their understanding five children.
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Namayipo Wamukankamba Stella Nankamba, Erastus Mwanaumo (Prof.).
Page No : 161-174
Factors Influencing Quality of Midwifery Care Service at Women’s and New Born Hospital, Lusaka.
Introduction: Poor quality service provision by midwives can prevent women from coming to the hospital to seek care, leading to complications which later cause deaths, increasing the maternal mortality rate. Aim: The study aimed to assess factors affecting provision of quality midwifery care service at Women and New-Born Hospital (WNBH) in Lusaka District of Zambia. Methodology: A cross sectional quantitative research design was used. Data were collected from 385 women and 185 midwives from the various health units using a self-administered questionnaire. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests were used to test statistical significance between the independent and dependent variables. Results: All participants concurred that midwives did not provide quality midwifery service according to the standards and demonstrated positive attitude towards quality service provision by midwives. Most of the women (203, 52.7%) categorized midwives’ workload as high while a great number of midwives (99, 53.8) considered it as moderate. On knowledge level, majority of women (283, 75.1) had low knowledge levels and (228, 59.2%) had never heard of quality midwifery care, contrasting with findings from midwives which showed that majority (125, 67.9) had high knowledge and (179, 97.3%) had heard about quality midwifery care. There was a statistical significance between age (P-value 0.001), Workload (P=0.000), Knowledge levels (P=0.001) and women’s perception on the midwives’ ability to provide quality midwifery care service. Conclusion: Quality midwifery care services from the perspective of both women and midwives was generally seen to be of poor quality. Poor knowledge on midwifery service quality and increased workload of midwives adversely affect women’s perception of the quality of care received from midwives. Health facility management should educate the public on quality care in order for women to better understand their care quality needs and expectations.
Key Words: Quality Care, Midwifery Care, Midwives, Service Quality
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Oparanma Florence Uche , Chinemere Onyema, Damiete Maxwell Amachree.
Page No : 175-186
Subdermal Contraceptive Device: The Implications for Reproductive Health.
The need to control population growth rate, meet family and improve health care status were among the reasons for the introduction of contraceptive device such as subdermal implant. The effectiveness of subdermal device tends to surpass other form of contraceptive and family planning methods as it guaranteed pregnancy prevention. This paper addresses contraceptive device such as subdermal implant and the role in reproductive health to promote the use of this device. The advantages of these subdermal implants include the long-term contraceptive action, low dose of highly effective contraception, and quick reversal to fertility after the removal of implants. It explains the mechanism of action of subdermal implant as it can be implanted in the upper arm of a woman to exhibit long-term contraception. Some of the benefits of subdermal implant are it last for 3-5 years, pregnancy can occur after removal, it does not affect breastfeeding and inexpensive and highly effective among others. The most common adverse effects of using subdermal implant are irregular vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea, headache while the disadvantages of contraceptive subdermal implant were inability to prevent sexually transmitted infections, contraindication with the use of antibiotic. It was concluded that Contraceptive use such as subdermal device reduces the need for unsafe abortion by preventing unwanted pregnancies thereby minimizes the cases of unsafe abortion that causes death. In regard to this, it was recommended that health providers and family planning professional should provide couples with contraceptive information to improve reproductive health. The paper recommended that couples should make joint decision on the choice of birth control device use such as subdermal implant. In addition, woman should go for contraceptive counselling on the suitable type of long lasting birth control method to reduce the risk of complications and side effects.
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Ifeanyichukwu Chiamaka Dinah, Chika Chioma Harriet Odira.
Page No : 187-201
Perception of Child Bearing Women about Congenital Birth Disorders in Anambra State.
Background: Congenital birth disorders causes a huge challenge and burden in low and middle income countries. It equally constitute a public health threat which deserve holistic attention in Anambra State. They can be due to advanced maternal age, maternal infection of child bearing women or multifactorial causes. Aim: The study determined the perception of child bearing women about risk factors, effects, management and prevention of congenital birth disorders in Anambra State. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross -sectional survey design was adopted for the study, sample size was 436 and a multi stage sampling technique was used. The instrument for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire and data obtained were analysed using Microsoft excel, Chi-square for hypothesis testing and IBM statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 29. Results: it was revealed that most child bearing women have positive perception about the risk factors of congenital birth disorders (72.79%), effect on the affected child and family (71.50%), management by a specialist (100%) effective measures necessary to prevent congenital birth disorders (73.73) Conclusion: Congenital birth disorders is one of the public health concerns in Anambra State which may result in stigmatization, depression, marital strain, financial strain, parental exploitation, mental retardation, permanent disability and death. The major risk factors of congenital birth disorders are advanced maternal age, unhealthy life styles, occupation, smoking, alcohol, illiteracy and parity. Therefore, efforts should be made to raise awareness of the occurrence and risk factors of congenital birth disorders in developing countries.
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Lawrence Sao Babawo (Ph.D.), Mohamed Ambrose Koroma, Rashid Bundu Kpaka.
Page No : 202-221
Evaluating the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers Attending Postnatal at the Kenema Government Referral Hospital.
Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding offers both mothers and infants vital psychological and health benefits. However, its practice has declined globally, including in Sierra Leone, where inappropriate feeding practices contribute to high infant mortality. Malnutrition causes 60% of 10.9 million infant deaths, which are often linked to poor breastfeeding habits. Addressing cultural barriers and misconceptions is key to promoting exclusive breastfeeding. The findings of this study will guide policymakers in designing strategies to improve breastfeeding practices and reduce infant mortality nationwide.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward exclusive breastfeeding among mothers attending a postnatal clinic at the Kenema Government Referral Hospital.
Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study evaluated the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) of exclusive breastfeeding among 233 mothers attending the postnatal clinic at Kenema Government Referral Hospital. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire based on the health belief model (HBM). Stratified random sampling was employed, and face-to-face interviews were conducted in local languages. Statistical analysis included chi-square tests and logistic regression to determine associations and predictors of exclusive breastfeeding. Ethical approval was obtained, and participant confidentiality was maintained throughout the study.
Result: Among the 233 mothers, 96.1% were aware of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), with healthcare workers being the primary source (78.5%). Approximately 55.8% knew that EBF should last for six months, but 25.3% discarded colostrum. A positive attitude towards breastfeeding was reported by 59.1% of mothers, with 75.6% practicing EBF on demand. Chi-square tests revealed significant associations between knowledge (p = 0.0004), attitude (p = 0.017), and EBF. Logistic regression revealed that knowledge (OR = 2.12) and attitude (OR = 1.57) were strong predictors of EBF, whereas self-efficacy showed a weaker effect (OR = 1.35).
Conclusion: This study revealed that while mothers had high levels of knowledge and positive attitudes toward exclusive breastfeeding, their practices did not meet WHO recommendations. Key gaps include understanding the role of breastfeeding in pregnancy prevention and milk production. Enhanced public awareness, government policy integration, and future research on sociocultural factors are recommended.
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Akinbode Abiola Oluwatoyin, M. F. Olanrewaju (Prof.), Ajayi Oluwaseun Chidera, Aina Oluwaseun James, Agboola Segun Mattew, Ukachukwu Soyama Felix.
Page No : 222-231
Impact of a Health Education Intervention Program on Personal Hygiene Knowledge and Attitude Among Female Adolescents from Selected Secondary Schools in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Background: Personal hygiene is a practice that preserves health and prevents diseases particularly through personal cleanliness of the individual and good personal hygiene practices are critical to preventing infectious diseases and improving health outcomes. However, this study examined the impact of health education intervention programs on personal hygiene knowledge and attitude among female adolescents from selected secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. Methodology: The quasi-experimental research approach was employed for the study. The population was 1,500 students. A sample size of 30 students for each group was derived using Cochran’s formula. A systematic sampling technique was used to group the participants into experimental group (EG) and control group (CG) by selecting every 2nd student on class register. EG was assigned to health education modules on personal hygiene for 1 hour once weekly and CG had a training on prevention of HPV for 1 hour once a week, both for six weeks. Two research assistants were trained for 1 hour over a period of two days to serve as health educators. A structured validated questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha reliability index ranging from 0.75 to 0.80 was used to collect data. Data was collected at baseline, immediate post-intervention and six weeks follow-up. Data was analysed using descriptive, and inferential statistics at 5% level of significance. Results: Findings showed that at baseline, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the mean scores of personal hygiene knowledge for the experimental group (17.06± 0.65) and the control group (18.82± 0.40). Also, at baseline, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the mean scores of personal hygiene attitude for the experimental group (5.03 ± 0.54) and the control group (6.67 ± 0.31). Furthermore, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the mean scores of personal hygiene knowledge between baseline for EG (17.06 ± 0.65) and 12th week follow-up (23.40 ± 0.17), and there was a significant difference (p 0.05) in the knowledge and perception of personal hygiene among female adolescents in the control group and artisans in the experimental group at 12th follow-up. Conclusion: The post intervention evaluation of personal hygiene knowledge and attitude among female adolescents in selected secondary schools in Lagos State has proven that the level of knowledge of participants on personal hygiene is very high. It was recommended that personal hygiene be closely tied to the availability of water and sanitation facilities. Therefore, every school should collaborate with local government authorities through advocacy for the water and sanitation facilities.
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Anagor Chiamaka Rosemary, Chinweuba Anthonia Ukamaka, Madu Obiageli Theresa, Lukpata Felicia Ekwok.
Page No : 232-247
Nurse Lecturers Experiences in Students’ Use of Corrective Feedbacks, Time Management and Communication during Research Supervision.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students are mandated to write and defend a research project before they will be conferred their honorary degrees with the sole aim of making them become proficient independent researchers. Nurse lecturers like every other lecturer are saddled with the responsibility of scrutinizing students’ project write-ups thoroughly, ensuring that a polished version of the work emanates at the end. The study aims to explore nurse lecturers’ experiences as regards students’ use of corrective feedbacks, time management and their communication gaps. A phenomenological qualitative research method was used for the study. The study was conducted with 19 lecturers from universities in Southeast Nigeria who agreed to participate voluntary via in-depth interviews after meeting the inclusion criteria. Colaizzi’s method of data analysis was employed to extract 4 themes and 10 subthemes. The themes identified are; ‘Cordial student-supervisor relationship, Difficulty with keeping to time-schedules, Determined and Undetermined students and Students appreciate feedback but have difficulty in implementation’. From the study, it was concluded that students need to improve on their communication level, make judicious use of their time and implement feedbacks as instructed by their research supervisors. Therefore, the researchers recommend a cordial mentor-mentee relationship between supervisors and supervisees which will lead to a dynamic trusting supervisory relationship so as to ensure a smooth success of the student’s project.