African Journal of Law, Political Research and Administration (ISSN: 2689-5102) is an international double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal, published monthly online by AB Journals. The scopes of the Research Journal include, but not limited to: Politics, Political Philosophy, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Company Law, Corporate Law, Public Policy, Organisation Theory, Employment Law, Civil Law, Contract Law, Cyber Law, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property, Fraud Deterrence, Public Administration, Tax Administration, Leadership Ethics, Policy Analysis, Public Budgeting, Human Resource Management, Public Management, International Law, Property Law, Municipal Government, Civil Society and other related topics.
Open Access: Freely accessible for viewing and download over the internet.
DOI: You have a free DOI number attached to your published paper.
High Visibility: Indexed in OCLC WorldCat, Library of Congress USA, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Crossref, Open Academic Journals Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, SJIFactor
Rapid Publication: First decision is approximately 15-21 days after submission; acceptance to publication is 5-10 days after payment.