Analysis of Police Personnel to Population Growth in Five Urban Local Government Areas in Ibadan Metropolis: A Panacea for Crime Free Environment

Publication Date: 17/07/2023


Author(s): Oyekola Martins Adewale, Adewuyi Gbola Kehinde.

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 1 (2023)


Adequate policing to the society enhances free crime and sustainable environment. This study analyses the Availability of Police Personnel to Population Growth of Persons in Five Urban Local Government Areas of Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria with the purpose of determining the ratio of police personnel’s 2023 to 2023 population of persons’ for the study areas using Malthus Population Growth Model (Exponential Growth Equation). Police personnel’s data were acquire from the Police Divisional Headquarters, Eleyele, Ibadan, Nigeria. The geographic coordinates used to depict the distribution of police stations in each of the five urban local government areas was obtained from Grid3 Nigeria and processed using ArcGIS 10.4. The results revealed an accelerated increase in population in the study area. The results from this study however showed that the ratio of police personnel to population of persons does not meet up with the United Nation’s recommended ratio of 1:450. Generally, from the results, it showed that with the 2023 estimated population growth of 2,014,279 from 1,343,147 in 2006, and the required number of police personnel compared to the number obtained in 2023 from the police headquarters, as well as the number of police stations available, there is a need for the federal government in collaboration with the state government to take necessary actions and preventive control in the study areas so as to avoid constant criminal activities.


Sustainable environment, population growth, accelerated increase, government collaboration.

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