Inverse Shanker Distribution: Its Properties and Application.

Publication Date: 19/07/2024


Author(s): Tal Mark Pokalas , Chisimkwuo John, Payundayi pokalas tal , Ohakwe Johnson .

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


In this paper, new lifetime distribution has been proposed called the Inverse Shanker distribution. Its statistical properties including stochastic ordering, survival function, hazard rate function, Renyi entropy and Stress-strength reliability measure have been discussed. Maximum likelihood estimation method was used to estimate the parameter of the distribution. We compared the applicability of Inverse Shanker distribution with one parameter Inverse distributions, Inverse Lindley distribution (ILD), and Inverse Rayleigh distribution (IRD), based on two real data sets. Finally, the proposed distribution has been shown to have superiority over other lifetime distributions


Moments, inverse shanker distribution, Stress-strength reliability, Maximum likelihood estimator and Renyi entropy.

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