Modelling Service Times Using Beta-Based Compound Distribution.

Publication Date: 28/10/2024

DOI: 10.52589/AJMSS-Z8ZXX03L

Author(s): Obed Tiwah John, Danjuma Jibasen, S. S. Abdulkadir , Shakuntla Singla .

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 4 (2024)


The design of the queueing model involves modelling the arrival and service processes of the system. Conventionally, the arrival process is assumed to follow Poisson while service times are assumed to be exponentially distributed. Other distributions such as Weibull, uniform, lognormal have been used to model service times however, generalized distributions have not been used in this regard. In recent times, attention have been shifted to generalised families of distributions including Beta generalized family of distributions which led to the development of Beta-based distributions. Distributions generated from a mixture of beta random variables are quite numerous in literature with little or no application to service times data. In this study, six Beta-based compound distributions namely; Beta-Log-logistic distribution (BLlogD), Beta-Weibull distribution (BWeiD), Beta-Lomax distribution (BLomD), Beta-exponential distribution (BExD), Beta-Gompertz distribution (BGomD) and Beta-log-normal distribution (BLnormD)) were compared with the classical service times model on four service times data sets. Maximum likelihood estimator was employed in estimating parameters of the selected models while Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), Consistent Akaike Information Criterion (CAIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and Hannan Quin information criterion (HQIC) statistics were employed to select the best model. CDFs, PDFs and PP-plots were used to fit the data of the suggested models. Results from the study shows that Beta-Exponential distribution (BExpD) performed better for the datasets I (AIC=640.3, CAIC=640.5,BIC=648.1 and HQIC=643.4), Beta-weibull distribution (BWeiD) performed better for the data sets II and III (AIC=204.2, 2142.4,CAIC=204.2, 2142.7,BIC=212.8, 2154.9 and HQIC=207.6, 2147.5) while Beta-log-logistic distribution (BLlogD) performed better for the data sets IV (AIC=2275.3,CAIC=2275.5, BIC=2289.3 and HQIC=2280.9). Findings from this study revealed some useful Beta-based compound distributions which performed better than the conventional service time model. From the findings of this study, we recommend researchers to dive deep into queueing theory.


Service Times, Beta-based Compound distributions, Exponential distribution, Flexibility.

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