Solution of One-dimensional Partial Differential Equation with Higher-Order Derivative by Double Laplace Transform Method

Publication Date: 07/08/2021


Author(s): Anongo D.O., Awari Y.S..

Volume/Issue: Volume 4 , Issue 3 (2021)


Many problems in natural and engineering sciences such as heat transfer, elasticity, quantum mechanics, water flow, and others are modelled mathematically by partial differential equations. Some of these problems may be linear, nonlinear, homogeneous, non-homogeneous, and order greater or equal one. Finding the theoretical solution to these problems with less cumbersome techniques is an active area of research in the aforementioned field. In this research paper, we have developed a new application of the double Laplace transform method to solve homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations (pdes) with higher-order derivatives (i.e order n where n≥2) in science and engineering. We discussed a brief theory of double Laplace transforms that helped in its application. The main advantage of our method is the reduction of computational effort in finding solution to pdes. Another major benefit of our method is solving problems in the form of (21) directly by transforming to an algebraic equation where the inverse double Laplace transform is implemented for analytical solution, unlike other integral transform methods that would first transform to a system of ODEs before they are solved, is it also very effective in solving linear high-order partial differential equations and yield fast convergence. We present a well-simplified solution for easier comprehension by upcoming researchers.


Double-Laplace Tranform, Partial Differential Equations, Boundary Value Problems, Exponential Order, Fluid Dynamics.

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