On the Generalized Power Transformation of Left Truncated Normal Distribution

Publication Date: 17/08/2021

DOI: 10.52589/AJMSS-4CEW6PBO

Author(s): Okoli Christian Odilichukwu, Nwosu Dozie Felix, Osuji George Amaeze3, Nsiegbe Nelson Anayo.

Volume/Issue: Volume 4 , Issue 2 (2021)


In this study, we considered various transformation problems for a left-truncated normal distribution recently announced by several researchers and then possibly seek to establish a unified approach to such transformation problems for certain type of random variable and their associated probability density functions in the generalized setting. The results presented in this research, actually unify, improve and as well trivialized the results recently announced by these researchers in the literature, particularly for a random variable that follows a left-truncated normal distribution. Furthermore, we employed the concept of approximation theory to establish the existence of the optimal value y_max in the interval denoted by (σ_a,σ_b) ((σ_p,σ_q)) corresponding to the so-called interval of normality estimated by these authors in the literature using the Monte carol simulation method.


Truncated Distribution, Normal Distribution, Transformation, Moments.

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