Animated Infographics as A Potential Tool in Visual Art Pedagogy

Publication Date: 22/01/2022


Author(s): Nene Tei-Narh, William Kwabena Nantwi.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 1 (2022)


The study adopted a qualitative approach with the case study to ascertain the pedagogical environment and infographics format(s) used by Visual Art teachers in the teaching and learning of Visual Art subjects in Senior High Schools. Respondents for the study were sampled purposively and conveniently from KNUST Senior High School, Kumasi, Ghana. Findings from the study indicated the non-availability of animated infographics as an instructional tool in the Visual Art classroom and the inefficiency of instructional delivery with only textbooks. For better comprehension and achievement of instructional objectives, the study recommended animated infographics as an alternative pedagogical strategy to the conventional way of instruction in the Visual Art classroom.


Infographics, Pedagogy, Visual Literacy, Instructional Design & Technology,

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