Post Abortion Counselling Method and Emotional Counselling Method

Publication Date: 11/09/2022


Author(s): O.M. Oyeyipo.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 1 (2022)


This study was designed to investigate Post Abortion Counselling Method and Emotional Counselling among Mothers in Cross River State, Nigeria. The selection was done through the sampling and purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire (called SMCQ) was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was subjected to face validity by one expert in guidance and counselling and two experts in measurement and evaluation in the Faculty of Education, University of Calabar. The reliability estimate of the instrument was established through the Cronbach Alfa reliability method. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was the statistical analysis technique adopted to test the hypotheses under study. All hypotheses were subjected to testing at .05 level of significance. From the data analysis, the researcher found that post abortion counselling and emotional counselling methods significantly influence safe motherhood practices among women of reproductive age. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended among others that women considered health facilities as not fully prepared to provide respectful maternal care. The researcher noted that when women are treated disrespectfully, these poor treatment discourages them from taking counselling and practising safe motherhood.


Post abortion counselling method and emotional counselling, counselling method, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT).

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