Appraisal of the Level of Information and Communication Technology Competencies Possessed by Office Technology and Management (OTM) Educators for Effective Training of Self-Reliance Skills in Polytechnics in Kogi State

Publication Date: 28/03/2023


Author(s): Acharu Faith Tony-Okeme (Mrs.) Ph.D., Ufedo Iyaji, John Adavuruku Aliyu.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2023)


The study was carried out to appraise the level of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competencies possessed by OTM educators for effective training of self-reliance skills in Polytechnics in Kogi State with a view to finding out the specific skill areas in which competencies are lacking. Six specific objectives and six research questions were raised to guide the study. The study employed the descriptive research design. The population for the study consisted of all the OTM educators at the Federal Polytechnic, Idah and Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja. There was no sampling as the population was manageable. A 73-item, 4-point rating scale questionnaire titled: Appraisal of the Level of Information and Communication Technology Competencies Possessed by Office Technology and Management Educators for Effective Training of Self-Reliance Skills in Kogi State (ALICTPOTMEETSS) was used to obtain data from respondents. The findings indicated that OTM educators possessed high competencies in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint; however, they recorded low competencies in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher and Internet skills. The study concluded that these levels of competencies possessed have great implications for the self-reliance of OTM students as it justifies the opinion of a number of researchers that lack of competency in office applications has limited the effective impartation of Microsoft office skills. The study therefore recommended amongst others that OTM educators should be trained and retrained in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Publisher and internet skills for effective training and quality instructional deliveries.


Competencies, Office technology and management educators, Effective training, Self-reliance.

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