Examining Design Simplicity in Architectural Design of Public Core Housing Schemes in Anambra State of Nigeria

Publication Date: 26/07/2021

DOI: 10.52589/JARMS-I1K3R38I

Author(s): Dr. Nnaemeka Bennet Christian Dillon Okoye, Prof. Ikechukwu Onyegiri, Dr. Marcellinus Okafor.

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2021)


Studies identify dearth of affordable core houses for households who cannot afford whole houses. Architectural design characteristics affecting design simplicity have been found to positively influence core housing affordability. Despite this, documentation on whether design simplicity has been considered in the designs of existing core houses is lacking. This is required to check imputs in future designs. Study examined reflection of design simplicity in architectural design of existing public core housing schemes in Anambra State, Nigeria, using Mixed Method approach. Data were obtained from architectural drawings of existing prototypes, field observations and personal interview protocols. Observation schedules with “Yes” and “No” ratings were used in ascertaining reflection of the attribute in each of the 7 prototypes studied. It was found featuring only in 3 out of the 7 prototypes. For affordability improvement, the paper recommends inculcating the variables constituting design simplicity in future core housing design in Anambra State.


Architectural Design Characteristics, Design Simplicity, Housing affordability, Core housing schemes, Low-cost housing.

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