FAQs on Using Third Party Material in your Article

Writing an article requires extensive research in which the authors often engage in other writing an article requires extensive research in which the authors often engage in other resources to get more information. However, learning about the copyright that binds using a third party material will allow you to know about written permission of the original holder of resources and this may include song lyrics, poems, audio, data, text, illustration, image etc.

Culturally, the academic publishing sector may accept a third-party resources use in an article if it meets these criteria;

  • The main reason for your usage is objective and shows scholarly criticism or review. You are allowed to use third party materials provided they are not substantial and if its main reason is for criticism or review.

  • You must have properly given credit to the source and following the guide that binds the minimum amount of it being used. Also, quotations are emphasized either within the quotation or as the displayed text.

  • If it meets the full attribution as regards the owner.

Using a third-party content requires permission especially if it is a picture taken by another person notwithstanding any other way you may want to use it. When contents are not copyrighted, that is, it is open to the public users, it is still expected that you give proper attribution to it.

When you are asking for permission to use content from the right holder, it is very important that you take note of these few points in mind;

  • The none exclusive right to reproduce the item in an article

  • Electronic and print right for the full time of copyright and any related extension of copyright

  • Worldwide English language distribution rights

If you do not really know about the copyright questions, please refer to these FAQs that are listed below for guide;

Do I need Permission even if I have redrawn version of the original?

A redrawn version of the original may fall within the derivation copyright; it is very important to request the permission from the original holder which may require you to submit the redrawn version.

Do I need permission to reproduce text quotations from other sources?

It is required you engage the reproduce text in quotations to show full attribute to the source.

Do I need permission if I have reused data from a table?

If you use a table that has been published in previous work, then it is very important for you to check who owns the copyright for the original table and seek proper permission.

Do I need permission if I use an image from the Internet?

Indeed, you need permission from an image online. These images may be owned by either a photographer, museum, artist, agency etc. Therefore, you will need to get permission from the owner to use it in a journal article.

Do I need permission if I use material from my own work?

You will need to ask for permission from the publisher.

Do I need permission if I am using the image of the company I am working for?

Yes, you will need permission to know who owns the copyright and ask for permission to reuse it.

Do I need the permission of people I have photographed to use in my article?

Yes. Although image taken in public may generally not require formal permission suggesting that the photograph was explicitly permitted.

Do I need permission to use poems and songs?

Yes. It is very important to note that some poets will not allow changes to the structure of their poems or their lines. You should ask permission from the rightsholders to learn more about prices that may be charged on using poems or song lyrics.

Do I need permission to use Clipart?

Yes. Commercial use of some clipart in an academic journal may be prohibited if it does there is no permission granted.

Do I need permission to use a very old painting?

Yes. You can contact the gallery it is found either private or public.

Do I need permission to use any social media content?

All social media contents are duly subjected to copyright.

What if my article is to be published open access?

Permission request applies to both open access and subscription article, hence, it is required that you will need to seek permission to use any content that is copyright own by a third party in your article.

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