The #ABJPoster is an online event that is held entirely over Twitter. It aims to bring together members of the scientific research community so as to share their research, network among themselves and engage in scientific debate.
What we aim to achieve is to provide a new advanced poster contest format that uses social media to its advantage. We also wanted to give researchers an open and free platform that they can present and talk about their works while also encouraging early career researchers to take part and help build their career. Twitter seemed the most suited of the social media platforms as it is common among most professionals over many scopes for professional purposes unlike other social media platforms such as Facebook. The limits of Twitter discussion to 280 characters allows the participants to be brief and to the point of their work.
Get Involved:
Share a poster of your research
Network with researchers by following #ABJPoster
Engage in scientific debate by commenting on posters
Follow African – British Journals on twitter @abjournals
Tweet your poster image with a title, #ABJPoster and relevant subject hashtag(s), discuss, engage, connect and showcase your research using:
Environmental #ABJPoster #ABJEnv
Sustainability #ABJPoster #ABJSus
Science #ABJPoster #ABJScience
Biology and Health #ABJPoster #ABJBiology
Agriculture #ABJPoster #ABJAgri
Education #ABJPoster #ABJEdu
Management and Economics #ABJPoster #ABJMgt
Social Sciences #ABJPoster #ABJSocial
Mathematics and Statistics #ABJPoster #ABJMath
Engineering and Technology #ABJPoster #ABJEng
Award Incentive
Win cash prizes if your #ABJPoster and presentation is deemed best by the committee chairing the competition
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place: Certificate Award
People’s Choice Award: Poster that receive the most retweets will receive People’s Choice Award Certificate
Important Dates:
Poster Submission starts: 1st August, 2019
Poster Submission ends: 30th of October, 2019
Please note that only posters received within this time-frame will be considered. The earlier you tweet your poster, the more chance of retweet and engagement on your poster.
We have top tips for making a poster specifically for Twitter available on the blog, visit