Black Panther Motivated us to do our Research – Professors

Black Panther motivated us to do our research - Professors

Black Panther Motivated us to do our Research – Professors

Three award-winning professors have used Africa as a study area for their project stating that the 2018 Marvel movie, Black Panther was the motivation behind the idea. They said the technological advancement in the movie which shifted people’s perception of Africa- to think of Africa as a continent that has the ability and capacity to have high technology. According to them ‘’We were inspired to conduct the study by the film “Black Panther” (Marvel), which showed the whole world that modern Africa can and is worthy to be high-tech and lead in global digital competition’’.

The purpose of the research is to study the potentials of ‘’involving African countries in the global fourth industrial revolution based on breakthrough technologies of industry 4.0.’’ They hope the study will be a basis for ‘’application of a new scientific and methodological approach to studying the economy of modern Africa as a promising region of the world economic system’’.

Their research won African – British Journals 2019 Q3 Best Review Paper Award.


About Us

1. Prof. Elena G. Popkova – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair “International Economics and Economic Theory,” Volgograd State Technical University, and Founder of Institute of Scientific Communications. Her scientific interests include economic growth, sustainable development, globalization, humanization of economic growth, developing countries, the institutionalization of social development, development planning, and strategic planning. She is a guest editor for the International Journal of Educational Management (Special Issue, 2016); International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (Special Issue, 2017); Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (Special Issue, 2017); Contributions to Economics (books series published by Springer). She has more 300 publications in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed journals and books.

2. Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka is a Director at the University of Zambia’s Graduate School of Business. He is also President of the Economics Association of Zambia. He served as Head of the Accounting and Finance Department at the Copperbelt University in Zambia from 2012 to 2016. He holds a Master of Science degree in Finance and Credit with a specialization in Banking from Rostov State Economics University, Rostov On Don, Russia. He also has a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Economics, with a focus on Banking, from Rostov State Economics University, Russia.

3. Prof. Julia V. Ragulina is the Head of the Compliance and Controlling Department of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Doctor of Economics, Professor. Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education. The author of more than 200 publications, a number of monographic studies on state control and audit, state and municipal management, the economy of municipalities, has made a significant scientific contribution to the substantiation of fundamental research on the interaction of the state and business. He has monographs prepared jointly with Harvard colleagues.

What Inspired you to do this Research?

We were inspired to conduct the study by the film “Black Panther” (Marvel), which showed the whole world that modern Africa can and is worthy to be high-tech and lead in global digital competition. We conducted our research in order to bring this idea to life, and we will certainly continue this in our further research, so that this happens!

Tell us about your Research

The research is devoted to the study of the prospects of involving African countries in the global fourth industrial revolution based on breakthrough technologies of industry 4.0.

Title and Abstract of your Research

TITLE: Africa 4.0 as a Perspective Scenario for Neo-Industrialization in the 21st Century: Global Competitiveness and Sustainable Development

ABSTRACT: Using the methods of simulation, trend, regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variation, as well as scenario analysis, the authors determine future scenarios for the development of African countries until 2030. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank serve as sources of statistical data for the study. It is proved that the most promising scenario is neo-industrialization, carried out in recent years by the most progressive countries of the European, American and Asia-Pacific regions of the world. This scenario will ensure global competitiveness and sustainable development in Africa in the long term. As a result, the authors develop a conceptual model of Africa 4.0 and propose an algorithm for the neo-industrialization of African countries based on breakthrough technologies of industry 4.0. The article opens up a wide field for further scientific research, which, in particular, is recommended to devote to adapting the conceptual model of Africa 4.0 to the national specifics of individual African countries to maximize the effectiveness of its practical application.

What is Innovative about your Research?

We have developed a conceptual model of Africa 4.0, taking into account the specifics of African countries, associated with the conflicting influence of the innovative development of their economy on global competitiveness (positive, direct impact) and on the sustainability of their development (negative, reverse impact).

What were the main steps you went through during your research process that make your research unique?
We reviewed and analyzed the current development trends of African countries. We have identified future scenarios for the development of African countries until 2030. We have developed policy implications to implement Africa 4.0 as an optimal scenario.

How important do you think this research will be in the future?

We hope that our study will lay the foundation for the application of a new scientific and methodological approach to studying the economy of modern Africa as a promising region of the world economic system, involved in the fourth industrial revolution and developing according to the scenario of high-tech development with an emphasis on its specificity and uniqueness.

What other advice would you give to a young researcher?

We advise young and novice researchers of the African economy and its development prospects to look to the future and abstract from the past perception of Africa as a developing (“catching up”) region. We recommend that Africa 4.0 be presented not as a future horizon / ideal, but as a result. This will allow us to build a new concept of vision of the development path of modern Africa as an independent and competitive region and provide it with the opportunity to lead the fourth industrial revolution.

In one sentence, what is the most important question you want to address in your research?

We devote our research to Africa 4.0, an African region that in the coming years will be able to make an unprecedented breakthrough in the field of science and technology and will become a leader in the world markets of high technology and high-tech products.

Contact details

Elena G. Popkova. Home telephone number: +79375598888, E-mail address: [email protected].

Lubinda Haabazoka. Home telephone number: 260977242053 , E-mail address: [email protected].

Yulia V. Ragulina Home telephone number: +7(916)630-96-96, E-mail address: [email protected]

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