Technology and Peer Review

  Peer review is an imperative pillar of publishing. Publication today is almost impossible to do without the use of technology such as emails and PDF reader. It makes turning out large volumes of works possible. Imagine if authors had to send hard copy of manuscripts to publishers by posts and wait for replies offline […]

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Plagiarism and Its Legal Implications

Plagiarism is defined as the wrongful appropriation, stealing and publication of another Author’s language, thoughts, ideas or expressions, and the representation of them as one’s own original work. – 1995 Random House Compact Abridged Dictionary. It could be defined as the practice of directly copying and then presenting an existing production without accurately citing or […]

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Top tips for Twitter Posters

Top tips for Twitter posters – ABJ Research Poster Competition 2019  Make your design within the size limits. The highest image size allowed by Twitter is 5MB. These are the image formats accepted by Twitter: GIF: This is the only format out of the three that supports animation. GIFs can be up to 5MB in […]

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ABJ Research Poster Competition 2019

  The #ABJPoster is an online event that is held entirely over Twitter. It aims to bring together members of the scientific research community so as to share their research, network among themselves and engage in scientific debate. What we aim to achieve is to provide a new advanced poster contest format that uses social […]

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2019 Q3 Best Review Paper Award

Every quarter of the year, African – British Journals takes into consideration various criteria such as topic of a paper, importance and timeliness of the paper in relation to current research trends, originality of the research, quality of the article, citation etc. to give the ‘Best Review Paper Award‘ The Award is designed to recognize […]

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Q&A with Khoirul Hikmah, Winner of the 2019 Q2 Best Review Paper Award

Award-winning scholar talks about his research and company limitations on the Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) Name: Khoirul Hikmah, SE, M.Si. Article Tittle: The Effect of Companies’ Excellence and Limitations Factors on the Investment Opportunity Set: Agency Theory Approach Institution: Universitas Pembangunan NAsional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jl.SWK 104 Lingkar Utara, Condong Catur, Yogyakarta. Email: [email protected] Research […]

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Career Development Toolkit for Early Researchers

Background An early career researcher needs to learn how to balance the many roles that comes associated with the job, such as teaching, publications writing, grant applications while also working on a research and looking out for next researches, so as to be successful. Here at African – British Journals, we have gathered toolkits, tips […]

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Tips to Promote your Research Articles

One of the important aspects of doing a research project is sharing it. Sharing your research data helps you develop a strong reputation as a force to be reckoned with; it can also help to promote your research while also pushing your career forward. When you share your research, you are able to reach a […]

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Winners of 2019 Q2 Best Review Paper Award

Every quarter of the year, African – British Journals take into consideration various criteria such as topic of a paper, importance and timeliness of the paper in relation to current research trends, originality of the research, quality of the article, citation etc. to give the ‘Best Review Paper Award‘. The Award is designed to recognize extraordinary and […]

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Introducing Authors Hub

Introducing Authors Hub Authors Hub is a newsletter that will be issued weekly for authors and editors (both current and future) to keep them in touch with the most recent update in academic research and AB Journals development. Authors and prospective authors will also be able to share their views with peers by clicking on […]

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